project. YSL BEAUTY Global buzz-kit(celebrity & influencer seeding) package design and production
client. YSL Beauty, Loreal Korea (입생로랑뷰티, 로레알코리아)
agency. HEXAIN Inc.

 This package that has experienced considerable trial and error. The design was carried out without much difficulty due to the set global guide, but the materials available in Korea at that time were difficult to make neat boxes like mirrors. There was no problem making up to the basic Y-type box where each product was contained, but the problem was the box and sleeve that contained the aggregate. Among the thin paper available for Rigid boxes, the key was to make sure that wrinkles and grass marks were as low as possible, and considerable time was spent on improving quality. There was a mission where one of the main products had to be exposed inside the box, but the print color was a bit different from the actual lip product color. The last picture was taken with iPhone 7.
 상당히 많은 시행착오를 겪은 패키지. 정해진 글로벌 가이드가 있어 디자인은 크게 어려움없이 진행했으나, 당시 국내에서 수급가능한 소재들은 거울처럼 깔끔한 싸바리 박스를 만드는 데 무리가 있었다. 제품이 각각 들어가는 기본 Y형 박스까지는 만드는데 문제가 없었으나, 그 집합체를 담는 박스와 슬리브가 문제였다. 싸바리가 가능한 얇은 종이 중에서 주름과 풀자국이 최대한 나지 않게 하는 것이 관건이었고, 퀄리티를 높이는 데 상당한 시간을 투자했다. 주력 상품 중 하나의 컬러가 박스 내부에서 노출되어야 하는 미션이 있었는데 인쇄된 컬러가 실제 립 제품 컬러로 보는 것과는 느낌이 사뭇 달라 아쉬웠음. 마지막 세로형 사진은 아이폰7으로 촬영되었다.
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